08 May 2010

pre-mother's day celebration..whew! [Saturday, 11:09pm]

semalam g makan western food di perda
pLus celebrate mother's day khas buat mama
kira mcm pre-mother's day celebration pn de gak

sinar indah cafe
nmpak restoran mcm biase2 je
tmpat die kat bangunan dua tingkat
kalu x silap berdekatan LHDN perda
tp restorannya bahagian atas
kalu tgk tingkat bwh mmg kedai makan biase je
ala2 kedai makan yg slalu org g lunch2 tu
hehe tp x sngka kat atasnya tersembunyi
small restaurant utk western food die!
x pasti bila buka
baru lg kot
atau aku baru tau ;p

so far price and tez of the food
sgt2 la berbaloi
last nite dinner amik by course
wpun kat situ ala carte je
menu last nite dr awal smpai abes agak "memuakkan"
maksud aku
it starts with mayo..then got cream + cheese + cream again
haha sape2 x bley tahan mmg cpat sgt kenyang
but again..it's priceless!!

the appetizer
~~garden salad
then followed by
~~classic mushroom soup with garlic bread

croutons atas mushroom soup 2 terlebey besar la plak
haha x pnah aku tgk sbesar 2 b4 dis

pastu de menu2 len yg bley dipilih kalu nk by course
contoh mcm..

~~beef goulash pilaff rice

~~tuna milk fish & beef bacon

~~breaded chicken with sweet brown tomato sauce

~~warm banana fruit compote

~~and all day juice..hawaiian fruit funch
[rupa die mcm pussyfoot drink dlm nigella express ;p]

~~ + hot coffee/tea and skyjuice

sekitar pix2 last nite

p/s : best sbb sambil makan aku dpt layan celine dion las vegas concert..syahdunya!
and pLus wak jijan bertambah baik sedikit berbanding hari2 yang lalu huhu

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