17 March 2010

frEsh fOod @Hom3 [Wednesday, 2:38pm]

since my sis g ke cameron
aku x lupa pesan fresh fruits and mushrooms
huhu ptutnya yesterday wat my favorite crispy fried mushroom
tp sbb mcm byk makanan je kat umah
so decide wat utk lunch td

bley wat kudapan di petang hari ni =p
asalnya makan di cameron
sbb byk sgt gerai tepi jalan yg jual
kat sini x de plak aku tgk org jual tepi jalan cam tu

so sejak itu mula ngidam and google for the recipe
mcm2 version sgt utk batter die
padahal smuanya mcm bancuh tempura batter je
so aku main cmpak2 pe yg ptut
yg penting rasa and crispy tu perlu de

here's the recipe [by my own] :
1 cup all-purpose flour (tpung gandum daa hehe)
1/4 cup cornstarch 
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 - 1 cup cold water [kalu x cold jgn hrap nk de crispy2 huhu]
(ni yg basic..wjib de)

pastu aku de la add yg len utk seasoning :
*a bit of garlic powder
*a bit of broiled steak seasoning salt
*a bit of white and black pepper

then bancuh and celup je mushrooms dlm batter tu
then goreng (minyak perlu btul2 pnas ye)

selamat mencuba!

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